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Email Marketing Trends to look out for in 2023

We have put together a list of the top email marketing trends predicted to be huge this coming year. Take advantage of these trends and adopt them early in order to maximise the effectiveness of your email marketing in 2023. 

“The global e-mail marketing market was valued at $7.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to increase to $17.9 billion by 2027” –  Statista


Focus on Privacy: Data privacy and data protection are going to be huge trends in 2023. Even after the launch of the GDPR legislation “Only 8% of consumers trust brands to keep their personal information safe” Source: NTT Data. 

To improve your businesses data privacy and data protection systems, make sure to provide a clear and obvious option to unsubscribe and to change their preferences. Or one step further than this, ask leads to fill out a short questionnaire on your website about their preferred content and mailing frequency. Offer them a link to a control centre where they can edit their preferences whenever they want. Therefore you get more relevant data and a cleaner mailing list as people can easily unsubscribe.


Hyper Personalisation: More and more marketers are using personalisation to boost sales and build relationships, with many marketers concluding that complete personalisation of the user experience is the best way to generate more revenue.  

77% of B2B marketers agree personalisation helps to build better client relationships, with 55% also agreeing personalisation boosts conversion rates and growth.Smallbiz trends

Lack of personalisation often results in poor campaign performance and an increased number of unsubscribers.


Artificial Intelligence: AI goes hand in hand with personalisation as using artificial intelligence makes it easier to personalise emails and allows you to gather and analyse large amounts of data. Many people think AI is designed to replace them, however this is far from the case. AI is an incredibly powerful tool when utilised correctly and individuals who learn how to use it quickly and effectively will see their email marketing ROI increase drastically in 2023. AI allows you to send personalised emails to each prospect, restructure email campaigns for maximum effectiveness and helps build and clear up mailing lists. 


B2B User Generated Content: User Generated Content (UGC) exploded as a trend in 2022. In 2023 it is expected to reach its full potential. User generated content is defined as any form of content created by end-users, this could be pictures, videos, audio, reviews etc. 

From the consumers point of view; 82% of consumers claim that user generated reviews are extremely important when making purchasing decisions. From the marketers point of view; 93% of marketers agree that content created by consumers performs better than branded content, so it is clear that the UGC trend will continue to infiltrate the B2B market.

User generated content can take the place of content itself if you’re struggling to meet email content quotas. 


Email Design – Minimalism: Uncluttered, well structured emails are in. Emails with objective relevant details that are concise and to the point are becoming increasingly popular due to their simplicity and effectiveness. Plain text emails perfectly encapsulate this trend and are perfect for starting communications with a prospect. 


Social Selling and LinkedIN: Social media is being adopted at an increasing rate by B2B brands. Generally where B2C brands go B2B brands aren’t too far behind. Within the B2B space, 75% of buyers are now using social media at some stage in their buying journey, so it is essential your brand is on social media and posting regularly.

In the B2B space LinkedIn is king. LinkedIn has over 810 million active users in 200 countries and marketers who use LinkedIn see a 2x higher conversion rate than those that don’t. When it comes to posting on Linkedin it’s all about getting the right content in front of the appropriate people so don’t overcomplicate things, understand your audience and post valuable, relevant content.


Focus on Mobile: As previously mentioned users open 66% of emails on their mobile devices and this trend is only set to increase. The shift to mobile means you must ensure your emails are properly formatted and well designed to fit on a mobile display. Ensuring your emails are designed intuitively and clutter free, with an appropriate amount of copy is essential for optimising your email marketing for mobile devices.



Staying on top of trends and adopting them early is crucial if you want to maximise the effectiveness of your marketing in 2023. Use this guide to help you stay on top of upcoming trends and keep your marketing current. 

If you are struggling with your marketing and would like some expert help then contact Inboxx and we’ll be happy to help. At Inboxx we provide bespoke email marketing solutions for a range of different industries contact us at:

0161 543 4461