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Email Marketing How To Go From Good To Great 

Email marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing for businesses wanting to create conversation with their customers. One of the only channels that allows business to generate leads, nurture leads, raise brand awareness and actually facilitate the sale of products/ services. 


In this guide we have put together a list of skills/ strategies you need to master in order to elevate your email marketing to the next level: 


Create More Relevant Email Lists:

The more data you can gather from consumers, the more accurate your communications can be. Use this data to create email lists of people with similar interests/ geographical location/ age/ gender. 

Beware of the more unethical forms of data collection such as buying email lists as this can lead to major issues for your business, charges, fines and damaged reputations are all outcomes of breaching GDPR legislation.


Email Design

While the content of your email is more important than the actual design and providing value with your content should always be the aim, a well designed email will always perform better than one without design thought. 

Here are some quick tips on how to create engaging and enticing email design:

  • Apply Company Branding Throughout: Keep the design of your emails consistent with the design and branding of your company website and social media.
  • Include White Space: Let your content breathe. Not only does this make your communications look more professional but it also makes them easier to read.
  • Optimise for Mobile: Over half of business people now check their emails on the phone as compared to a laptop/ computer so making sure your emails fit on screen and appear well on mobile devices is more important than ever.



Personalisation is one of the most effective tactics to improve customer engagement, retention rates and conversion rates. Customers are now expecting fully personalised experiences from every brand they interact with. A Mckinsey report found “71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalised interactions and 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen.”

Click here to learn more about the psychology behind personalised marketing.

Easy ways to personalise the customer experience include:

  • Mentioning subscriber name in the subject line to grab their attention early on
  • Use subscriber location to promote events or nearby sales and offers
  • Send product recommendations based on past purchases


Writing Persuasive Copy: 

Writing persuasive copy is one of the most important skills to master when it comes to email marketing. Being able to empathise with the reader, put yourself in their shoes and figure out what problems they may be facing and how and what they are doing to fix it, is an invaluable skill. 

If you want to get better at copywriting then keep a mental record of all the ads, emails and communications which have caught your eye and think why. 


Be Conversational:

With consumers being bombarded with more and more marketing and sales messages everyday, they can easily sniff out a marketing email a mile off and they’re tired of it. To create a genuine connection and spark conversation with your audience the communications need to be conversational. The degree to how conversational you can be will vary from industry to industry 


Follow Email Spam Regulations

Ignoring GDPR and other SPAM legislations is a sure fire way to get your emails blocked and get your IP blacklisted. Any company operating within Europe has to be compliant with the data privacy and data protection laws introduced in the GDPR legislation. Failing to comply can result in hefty charges, fines and a damaged company reputation. Click here to read our full guide on how GDPR affects email marketing. 


Track The Success of Your Campaigns

One of the best things about email marketing is the measurability and the sheer amount of data you can track and report.

All email marketing tools and softwares offer in depth analysis and visualisation of data for users allowing you to better understand your campaigns.


Here are some Key Metrics that you should be tracking:


  • Open Rate: This shows you the average number of opens your emails get. Open rates can help you analyse the effectiveness of all different parts of your email.
  • Click-through rate: This shows you the average number of times subscribers clicked on the links or CTAs inside your emails and followed through to your website.The click-through rate is another important metric for understanding email engagement.
  • Bounce rate: This shows you the percentage of your contacts who didn’t receive your email. A high bounce rate can indicate that your email list is full of inactive, fake or outdated contacts, or that you need to change your email service provider.
  • Unsubscribes: This shows you the number of people who unsubscribed from your email list. High unsubscribes could either indicate that your email content is not relevant to your subscribers, or that your emails aren’t being sent to the right audience.
  • Spam complaints: This shows you the number of times your emails have been marked as spam. This could be due to spammy subject lines, irrelevant email content, unsolicited emails, or issues with your email marketing software.


Wrap Up: 

By mastering these skills and strategies you will be able to elevate your email marketing skills. If you’d rather it to the professionals then contact Inboxx. Our direct email marketing campaigns are designed to get you noticed by the people that matter and generate new revenue opportunities for your business.