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You’re most likely already utilising email marketing to reach out to your target consumers.

However, are you utilising email to assist with your recruiting efforts?

Any marketer will tell you that email marketing (done correctly) works, and here are some statistics to back it up:

  • Email is the most successful medium for generating income, according to 59 per cent of B2B marketers. (BtoB Magazine)
  • The average return on investment for email marketing is $44.25. (email expert)
  • When asked which channel they would like to get updates from, 90% said an email newsletter, while 10% said Facebook. (Nielsen Norman Group)
  • According to 60% of marketers, email marketing generates a return on investment for their company. (MarketingSherpa)
  • Relevant emails generate 18 times the income of broadcast emails. (Juniper Research)
  • Personalised emails increase click-through rates by 14% and conversion rates by 10%. (Aberdeen Group)

Best Email Marketing Strategies 

Low click-through rates are a serious risk for any email marketing effort. To prevent applicants from sending your emails to the spam folder or just reading the text without taking action, keep the following points in mind:

You should target emails.

Sending job notifications to all of your email subscribers that cover every position you’re working on is more likely to raise unsubscribe rates than to entice a prospect to click through! The most effective recruiting email efforts are laser-focused on the appropriate applicants.

Use a captivating subject line.

You want your emails to be opened and read, which necessitates the use of an enticing subject line. “Need a programmer – are you interested?” is likely to get more responses than “New Position Open at XYZ Inc.”

Determine your target audience and segment accordingly.

You have now added your target audience to your email list. It’s time to follow through on your commitment and send them pertinent emails. Identifying your target and the purpose of your email campaigns is the first step in sending an email.

Segmenting your email list entails dividing your current email list into smaller sections. Subscriptions are grouped based on a shared characteristic. The following are the most common segmentation criteria for recruiting emails:

  • Job Description
  • Industry
  • Level of Experience
  • Location
  • Level of activity

When you split your email list into narrower niches, you increase your chances of supplying them with tailored information. This will drastically cut unsubscribe rates while increasing open rates.

Add a touch of customisation.

While segmentation enables you to offer customised content, you can take it further by giving individualised content that sounds more personal. As though written by hand. While using your subscriber’s first name is a good place to start. You may expand personalisation methods depending on how people engage with your emails.

Have a strong call to action.

Finally, your email should fulfil its purpose to entice job searchers to take the necessary action. Use an obvious call-to-action to express what you want people to perform clearly.

Be forthright and utilise an active voice in your content to elicit action. A recruiter’s primary purpose is to persuade job searchers to apply. So, make your CTA stand out.

You could be a recruiter or an email marketer now, but you were once a job seeker as well. It should be simple to attract, nurture, and convert job searchers into competitive employees with the right email strategy.